Churches with up to 99 members – 2 delegates
Churches with 100 to 224 members – 3 delegates
Churches with 225 to 449 members – 4 delegates
Churches with 450 to 699 members – 5 delegates
Churches with 700 to 999 members – 6 delegates
provide two (2) delegates to the meeting. Often this has been the Executive Director and a member of the Board, often the Treasurer (who can address the financials) or the Board President. This applies to Pilgrim Pines and New England Seafarers
provide one (1) delegate to the meeting. This is customarily the President of the Association, or another authorized member of the Board.
This applies to the Ministerial Association, Women Ministries Association, and Highrock Church Network
People coming to give reports from agencies and associations need to register for the meeting. You can only register as a delegate from one (1) Conference member church, agency, or association - so you can’t double dip as a delegate. However, you can bring a report if you are a delegate from one entity and reporting about another entity. If you are not registering as a delegate representing your agency/association or your local church, you can register as a “guest” - but you will not be granted voting privileges. If you are a guest but are bringing a report to the meeting, please let us know so we can list you as “advisory” to the meeting, which will grant you voice in the business sessions.
If you are a representative from a church that has not yet joined the ECC (church plants, fellowship groups, etc) please register under “Guest” status your church will have an asterisk next to its name when you select it during online registration.
Yes. You may attend the Annual Meeting without officially representing a local church or institution. Registered guests are provided with a guest booklet with select meeting resources at checkin, as well as designated seating; however, they are not allowed to voice their opinions, ask questions, or vote. Everyone is welcome to participate in the worship sessions.
Yes, you may register at the door for a delegate or guest pass to the business meeting only. Meal passes will not be available day of as a courtesy to our hosts. A list of area restaurants will be available at Registration Solutions when you register. Walk-in delegates may not receive a spiral bound Delegate notebook (but will still receive some form of the documents for the business meeting), and guests may not receive business meeting materials due to availability and pre-planning.
Cancellation requests will be accepted until April 1st, 2017. No refunds will be offered for cancellations after April 1st. Cancellations must be submitted to Sandi Lee in the East Coast Conference Office (call 860-635-2691 or email
Substitutions will be accepted from the same church or institution provided the registration and fees are the same for the new registrant. Please contact Sandi Lee in the East Coast Conference Office (call 860-635-2691 or email to make a substitution. On-site substitutions for delegates will be processed, but no refunds will be made for missed program portions.
1. Select your registration types & quantities.
2. Click 'Show other payment options'.
3. Select the payment option you'd like to use (check, in person payment, or invoice to your church)
For questions regarding registration, contact the Conference Office ( or call (860)635-2691)